Friday 12 June 2009


The pursuit of perfection involves removing far more than adding.

Thursday 11 June 2009


An old phrase I heard somewhere; How do you make a statue? You take a huge piece of stone and remove anything that isn't part of the statue.

Wednesday 10 June 2009


Significance, like relevence, is not set in stone, but comes and goes. It fades and changes and renews and alters based not on what it is we are looking at, but where we are looking at it from.

Tuesday 9 June 2009


Choosing to do the right thing is only significant when contrasted with people who choose to do the wrong thing. If everyone only ever did good would good become meaningless? For example, if everything in the world was green would the word colour even exist?

Monday 8 June 2009


We are encouraged to take pride in what we do, and are reminded that pride comes before a fall. But pride is something that happens without our choosing it. Perhaps the correct thing to do is take pride, but not keep it.